Study retreat on Mondays and Fridays from 12 to 2 p.m.

Study retreat is canceled 14.2 and 17.2.2025


Join here!

(Link opens about 15 min before starting)

If you have promblems joining the retreat, you can contact Mr. Mika Vettainen, +358 40 182 6341 or email: 


What is a study retreat?


It is a social opportunity to work online, but alone. Participants will focus on their own study assignments. Studying is carried out in 25 min study sessions based on Pomodoro technique. There are some short breaks between the study episodes. Breaks includes some relaxation, stretching or refreshing exercises. NOTE! You don’t have to open microphone or video connection during this retreat.

Why should I participate?

Study retreat helps you to start studying and also supports concentrating to your studies. Alone, but still together we can advance your studies.

How can I join?

Sign in to your university’s Office 365 account. Study retreat is arranged through Microsoft Teams and you can join by clicking the link (Join here) at the beginning of the page.

How to prepare for study retreat?

What is the goal of the day? Choose the task which you are going to work with. However, remember to be reasonable in setting the goal. You will also need a computer and your own study material. You might want to reserve some water and little snack for yourself.


Good to know

Study retreat is a public event. All students of the University of Lapland and Lapland University of Applied Sciences can join.